Presentation: Extending Sign-In with Ethereum - CASA Gathering 2022
During the initial part of the CASA unconference, we had a chance to present on extending Sign-In with Ethereum, and what the future of authentication looks like. Wayne's talk and an overview of the topics covered can be found here.
On April 25th, the Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance hosted a full-day in-person gathering during DevConnect to host various talks and workshops on cross-chain standards.
During the initial part of the unconference, we had a chance to present on extending Sign-In with Ethereum, and what the future of authentication looks like. Wayne's talk and an overview of the topics covered can be found here:
Additional presentations included a history of CASA by Pedro Gomes from WalletConnect, an overview of did:pkh and CACAOs by Joel Thorstensson and Sergey Ukustov from the Ceramic team, an overview of UCANs by Brooklyn Zelenka from Fission, and many more. Additionally, a number of breakout sessions took place, including a session on how Sign-In with Ethereum, CACAOs, and UCANs interoperate, and even one on a unified standard for wallet authentication (sign in with 'x').
We look forward to attending future CASA gatherings, and the growth of continued contributions to the alliance!
For a full look at the slides used in Wayne's presentation, check out the following:
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