Introducing SpruceKit: The Open-Source Toolkit for Decentralized Identity
We’re happy to announce SpruceKit: a collection of libraries that power your application to accept digital credentials from users on their terms, originate trusted information for users, and interact with user data vaults.

As we continue on our journey to let users control their identity across all their digital interactions, we want to ensure that any developer feels empowered to build applications to support this future.
We’re happy to announce SpruceKit: a collection of libraries that power your application to accept digital credentials from users on their terms, originate trusted information for users, and interact with user data vaults. SpruceKit combines our existing open-source efforts, now under one umbrella.

SpruceKit currently has support and examples for the following libraries:
- Sign-In with Ethereum: a library that lets developers integrate a new form of authentication that enables users to control their digital identity with their Ethereum account and ENS profile instead of relying on a traditional intermediary.
- DIDKit: a toolkit written in Rust that provides Verifiable Credential and Decentralized Identifier functionality across different platforms.
- TreeLDR: a schema definition language that aims at describing both the structure and semantics of the defined schema in a comprehensible way.
In addition, we’re adding SSX to the family of SpruceKit libraries and have released a brand new version that further extends what developers can do with user-controlled identity and data. SSX now has a modular feature set that enables developers to:
- Let users authenticate and begin key-based sessions using technologies like Sign-In with Ethereum
- Let users create and protect personal data vaults.
- Let users manage how their data are used and shared.
- Let users present verifiable facts about who they are and what data they own.
We’ve also created a new quickstart that leverages this new functionality alongside other SpruceKit libraries for a complete experience. You can find that here.
The Future of SpruceKit
We plan on making continual additions and improvements to SpruceKit, including:
- Incorporating additional libraries as we build them for various user-controlled identity use cases.
- Additional guides on how to put together your next application that incorporates these primitives with SpruceKit libraries.
- Updates to all of our existing libraries for an even greater developer experience.
- Support and documentation for Kepler and Rebase - for early access to both, check out the SSX Quickstart.
We also welcome all open-source contributions to SpruceKit from developers.
About Spruce: Spruce is building a future where users control their identity and data across all digital interactions. If you're curious about integrating Spruce's technology into your project, come chat with us in our Discord.