Meet the SpruceID Team: Parke Hunter

Name: Parke Hunter
Team: Marketing
Based in: Denver, Colorado

About Parke

After getting my marketing degree from Virginia Tech (Go Hokies!), I landed my first job selling commercial insurance at GEICO—fun fact: I got to be the GEICO Gecko for a day.

I then transitioned into working in software implementation and customer success at a food service tech company. Still wanting to pursue a career in marketing while being able to continue working closely with the product development team and customers, I found my love for product marketing. I went on to work as a product marketing manager for a range of products (from data analytics software tools to Atlassian’s app development platform) for five years at Alteryx, Sisense, and Atlassian.

I started at SpruceID last year and have loved every minute of it! It's exciting to see how the company has grown throughout my time here, and I have had the opportunity to experiment and try my hand at other areas of marketing that I may not have been as familiar with before.

Parke as GEICO Gecko

Can you tell us about your role at SpruceID?

At SpruceID, my role spans managing our content funnel, social media, and customer highlights/case studies and helping support certain events such as hackathons, business development, and website updates. We are also gearing up to build out our product marketing function, which I am looking forward to.

What do you find most rewarding about your job?

What’s most rewarding about my job is that I feel that my work really impacts our company and mission. I feel driven and motivated by how our products help people.

Also, I may be biased, but our team is the best. SpruceID is made up of some of the smartest, kindest, and most fun individuals I have ever met. They are supportive, encouraging, and come together to work as a team and achieve a goal in a way I have never seen before.

What is the most important quality for someone in your role to have?

I think that the most important quality in a marketer is curiosity. 

Curiosity for understanding customers and personas, as well as the industry you're in, spotting trends in data, problem-solving, and adapting to change in case business needs shift and you have to learn new skills.

What has been the most memorable moment for you at SpruceID so far?

There have been so many it’s hard to choose!! One certainly stands out, though. At our fall 2023 offsite in Dublin, I was plucked from the crowd in an Irish pub to do an Irish jig on stage in front of hundreds of locals (and the entire company who I had just met in person for the first time!).

The moment we launched the California mDL was also a special and memorable moment for me.

How do you define success in your role, and how do you measure it?

There are so many ways our marketing team defines and measures success, from top to bottom of funnel.

We measure everything from brand awareness to lead generation, revenue growth, content engagement metrics, customer feedback, and awards/recognition, just to name a few. In marketing, we are also constantly evaluating the competitive landscape and understanding where we fit into it. As SpruceID grows, I know we’ll track more success metrics.

I am data and metrics-driven, and I define success in my role by the impact my work has on driving measurable results. Success to me means continuously learning, improving, and contributing to SpruceID's overall growth and strategic goals.

Fun Facts

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? In my free time, you can find me road-tripping, hiking or snowshoeing as one does in Colorado, watching reality TV, studying (I am currently getting my master's degree online), and hanging out with friends! I recently started Denver’s first “Food Critics Club” with a group of friends. We set out to taste-test a certain type of food (e.g., all of the croissants or empanadas in Denver) and have a picnic to try them all and rate them. That has been a blast!

If you could be any tree, what tree would you be and why? I would be a palm tree! Calm, resilient, and adaptable. Palm trees seem relaxed, go with the flow, and thrive in the sun (like me), but they are also much tougher than they seem and can weather wind and storms.

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About SpruceID: SpruceID is building a future where users control their identity and data across all digital interactions.