How Personal Data Licenses Can Keep Digital Identity Private How digital identity can give you total control of your sensitive data.
Meet the SpruceID Team: Parke Hunter Parke, SpruceID’s marketing manager, combines marketing expertise and customer focus to help drive success.
Why the U.S. Post Office is Key to Fighting AI Fraud Pending legislation could transform the venerable USPS into a key player in the fight against fraud.
Meet the SpruceID Team: Bryce Einck If you're a SpruceID client, you may know Bryce! Get to know one of our incredible Technical Success Managers.
Debunking Myths about the Mobile Driver's License Learn about some of the common misconceptions when it comes to mobile driver's licenses (mDLs).
SpruceID Joins NIST National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) to Accelerate Mobile Driver’s License Adoption Learn about the current initiative, benefits of the mobile driver's license, and how SpruceID will collaborate with the NCCoE.
SpruceID Joins Harvard and Microsoft Researchers for New “Personhood Credential” Proposal Empowering humans is the best way to fight a coming wave of A.I.-powered fraud and disinformation.