Navigating the Jungle of Digital Credential Standards SpruceID's multi-standard approach to digital identity credentials prioritizes user convenience, privacy, security, and sustainability, ensuring long-term functionality and adaptability.
Who Should Build a Digital Wallet? A guide for digital credential issuers deciding between an off-the-shelf digital wallet and custom wallet software.
Sprucing Up Our Brand Identity We have a new look, more aligned with our overall brand strategy. In this post, we'll talk more about our evolution and the creative process behind it.
Digital Identities Need More Transparency: A Framework Proposal We explore the potential of digital identity solutions to enhance privacy through selective disclosure, highlight the risks of verifier abuse, and propose a reasonable disclosure framework to standardize and safeguard data-sharing practices.
Provably Forgotten Signatures: Adding Privacy to Digital Identity We can enhance existing digital identity systems to support an important privacy feature known as “unlinkability:” sharing attributes without attribution.
Meet the SpruceID Team: Scotty Matthewman Get to know Scotty Matthewman, Senior Designer here at SpruceID.
Meet the SpruceID Team: Libby Brown We're thrilled to have recently welcomed Libby, our new product manager, to the team!