Spruce and TBD Demonstrate Decentralized Identity Interoperability

We have heard a lot about Decentralized Identity in the last few years. For both Spruce and TBD, Decentralized Identity and user control are at the center of both our missions, and we are excited to announce that we achieved another milestone towards interoperability.

Spruce and TBD Demonstrate Decentralized Identity Interoperability

We have heard a lot about Decentralized Identity in the last few years. For both Spruce and TBD, Decentralized Identity and user control are at the center of both our missions, and we are excited to announce that we achieved another milestone towards interoperability.

We can only leverage the full potential of Decentralized Identity if we have a heterogeneous network (or network of networks) of issuers and verifiers that can produce and consume each other's data. The real power of decentralized identity is multiplied by network effects and interoperability is key to achieving that.

The W3C Verifiable Credentials (VC) data model standard is one first step to achieving vendor interoperability. It defines a common data model but it doesn’t define how to generate and how to verify the cryptographic proofs in VCs.

The VC standard defines extension points to plug in embedded or external proofs for the creation and verification of VCs. W3C Data Integrity Proofs and JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) represent such proof types that can be used in combination with VCs. Both proof types can be created using various signature algorithms and parameters.

Spruce and TBD are the first two organizations to demonstrate support for all five JWS algorithms for JsonWebSignature2020 (Data Integrity Proofs) and JWTs, for VCs and W3C Verifiable Presentations (VPs), which is a major step toward vendor interoperability.

More details about the Conformance Test Suite which was developed by members of the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) and the interoperability test reports can be found here:

At Spruce, we are very excited to work on open standards and work alongside organizations like TBD and Transmute to create the foundation of a network of independent issuers and verifiers to accelerate the adoption of decentralized identity.

Also a shoutout to Orie Steel from Transmute who spearheaded the development of the Conformance Test Suite.

Spruce lets users control their data across the web. Spruce provides an ecosystem of open source tools for developers that let users collect their data in one place they control, and show their cards however they want.

If you're curious about integrating Spruce's technology into your project, come chat with us in our Discord: