Spruce At Graph Hack 2022
Earlier this month, The Graph hosted Graph Hack at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. Graph Hack was a three-day hackathon, bringing together developers to kickstart the latest dapps and ideas featuring a mix of on and off-chain data via a variety of impactful use-cases.

Earlier this month, The Graph hosted Graph Hack at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. Graph Hack was a three-day hackathon, bringing together developers in web3 to kickstart their latest ideas featuring a mix of on and off-chain data.

We're happy to have been a sponsor for the event, working with developers on the ground and fleshing out the next generation of applications that effectively leverage on-chain data and Sign-In with Ethereum. As always, our main focus is to help teams get started building with Sign-In with Ethereum and ushering forward new ways in which users can own their own identifier and identity. As part of the event, we had prizes for the best use cases that used Sign-In with Ethereum for a meaningful workflow in an application, and additional prizes for use cases that incorporate the core authentication flow.
We're happy to highlight some of the projects that used Sign-In with Ethereum during the hackathon:
Project Highlights using Sign-In with Ethereum
Borantia is an on-chain volunteer platform that enables DAOs to create bounties for users to claim for related tokens and commemorative badge NFTs. In addition to the bounty system, the platform also offers a way for users to view their earned badges and tokens on their own profile pages, and it also has an in-app leaderboard to encourage continued volunteering.

BlockParty is a social video gallery that enables users to capture videos and store them as NFTs organized by time and place. This process is to remember moments from live events, gatherings, and more, and share them with friends.

Dynamic Carbon Offset NFTs is a project that features a way to offset your carbon emissions for a particular period of time by purchasing carbon credits as NFTs. The NFT represents a plant, and slowly dies over time as it gets closer to its expiration period. Proceeds from the sale of the NFTs go toward carbon offset programs.

We would like to thank the team at The Graph for putting on a great event. We look forward to continuing to work with developers on the ground at various hackathons around the globe. We hope to see you at the next one!
Spruce lets users control their data across the web. If you're curious about integrating Spruce's technology into your project, come chat with us in our Discord: