Spruce Developer Update #27

Spruce Developer Update #27

In case you missed it, check out our previous update here:

Spruce Developer Update #26
At Spruce, we’re letting users control their identity and data across the web. Here’s the latest from our development efforts.

At Spruce, we’re letting users control their identity and data across the web. Here’s the latest from our development efforts:


For a recent post explaining some of the benefits of using SSX in your dapp, check out this post:

with Ethereum to SSX: Expanding Decentralized Identity
Back in November, we released SSX to further our mission to build a future where users control their identity across all their digital interactions:
  • We've added support for additional providers on ssx-react (#34).
  • We've added custom paths for ssx-server endpoints for additional configurability when setting up SSX (#36) (#45).
  • We exported SiweMessage from siwe as part of ssx and ssx-server to reduce dependencies (#35).
  • We've added a feature to resolve Lens profiles to be added to our next release (#50).
  • We've added additional testing across SSX (#30, #31, #33).
  • We're in the process of adding platform updates, additional configuration options, and increased support for additional frameworks. If you have any feature requests or feedback, please feel free to add a post to our feature request board:
SSX Feature Requests | SSX

with Ethereum Core Libraries

Sign-In with Ethereum is a new form of authentication that enables users to control their digital identity with their Ethereum account and ENS profile instead of relying on a traditional intermediary.

  • Our next community call for Sign-In with Ethereum is this Thursday - make sure to tune in.

We've currently been working on additional support for our core TypeScript library, including:

  • A rework of message verification to improve error handling and perform more strict validation by default (#138), and adding additional checks for improved security (#139).


Kepler is a decentralized storage network organized around data overlays called Orbits. Kepler allows users to Securely share their digital credentials, private files, and sensitive media to blockchain accounts, all using your Web3 wallet.

  • We're currently working on updates that allow authorized parties to view capabilities issued within the system – for example, to retrieve a list of active sessions you might have with applications that have read or write access to your data.


SpruceID is a decentralized identity toolkit that provides everything you need for signing, sharing, and verifying trusted information.


  • We've released ssi v0.5.0.
  • We've moved to an enum for proof suites types (#489).
  • We've added various changes in relation to OID4VP support (#488).


TreeLDR is a schema definition language that aims to describe the structure and semantics of the defined schema in a comprehensible way. It lies at the intersection between RDF and structure-oriented schema definition frameworks such as JSON Schema.

  • We've added an option to the JSON-LD context generator to output flat contexts (#89).
  • Compact IRIs in the generated LD contexts are now possible (#93).
  • We've fixed a few other LD context generation bugs (#87, #95).

Standards and Community

  • ReCap (EIP-5573) is undergoing final changes before it’s progression to an accepted EIP, to more closely align its data model with the UCAN specification.

Spruce lets users control their data across the web. Spruce provides an ecosystem of open-source tools and products for developers that let users collect their data in one place they control, and show their cards however they want.

If you're curious about integrating Spruce's technology into your project, come chat with us in our Discord: