SpruceID Developer Update #38

At SpruceID, we’re letting users control their identity and data across the web. Here’s the latest from our development efforts.

SpruceID Developer Update #38

In case you missed it, check out our previous update here:

Developer Update #37
At SpruceID, we’re letting users control their identity and data across the web. Here’s the latest from our development efforts.

At SpruceID, we’re letting users control their identity and data across the web. Here’s the latest from our development efforts:


SpruceKit is a collection of libraries that power your application to accept digital credentials from users on their terms, originate trusted information for users, and interact with user data vaults. SpruceKit consists of the following open-source libraries:

  • SSX
  • Sign-in with Ethereum
  • DIDKit
  • TreeLDR
  • SpruceKit also provides access to Kepler and Rebase

with Ethereum

Sign-In with Ethereum is a new form of authentication that enables users to control their digital identity with their Ethereum account and ENS instead of relying on a traditional intermediary.


TreeLDR is a schema definition language that aims to describe the structure and semantics of the defined schema comprehensibly. It lies at the intersection between RDF and structure-oriented schema definition frameworks such as JSON Schema.

  • A new version of TreeLDR is in the making. Last month, we worked on the following components of TreeLDR to make improvements:
    • We've refined and formalized the definition of TreeLDR's layouts, simplifying their definition and how developers can interact with them.
    • We are working on the layout book, containing an overview and formal specification of TreeLDR's layouts.
    • We've extracted the RDF handling part of TreeLDR's layout compiler into a separate project, InfeRDF. This "RDF engine" is dedicated to the inference and interpretation of RDF datasets so TreeLDR can fully focus on its main feature: the layouts.

This update introduces a lot of breaking changes for the better. We are still working on reintroducing previous TreeLDR features: the DSL and generators. The Rust code generator will be the first reintroduced.


DIDKit provides Verifiable Credential and Decentralized Identifier functionality across different platforms. DIDKit's core libraries are written in Rust due to Rust's expressive type system, memory safety, simple dependency web, and suitability across different platforms, including embedded systems, but the comprehensive DIDKit SDK includes many libraries and interfaces for using it almost everywhere.

  • Support deserialization of single termsOfUse in Verifiable Credentials which is allowed by the specifications (ssi#538)

About SpruceID: SpruceID is building a future where users control their identity and data across all digital interactions.