with Ethereum - Go Library Release

with Ethereum - Go Library Release

In our continued updates on additional language support for Sign-In with Ethereum, we're happy to announce the alpha release of our Go library in order to enable any Go project to leverage SIWE:

GitHub - spruceid/siwe-go: A Go implementation of EIP-4361 Sign In With Ethereum verification
A Go implementation of EIP-4361 Sign In With Ethereum verification - GitHub - spruceid/siwe-go: A Go implementation of EIP-4361 Sign In With Ethereum verification

The Go library has been dual-licensed under Apache-2.0 and MIT, making it as flexible and simple as possible for developers to use in their projects.


SIWE can be easily installed in any Go project by running:

go get -u


SIWE exposes a Message struct which implements EIP-4361.

Parsing a SIWE Message

Parsing is done via the siwe.ParseMessage function:

var message *siwe.Message
var err error

message, err = siwe.ParseMessage(messageStr)

The function will return a nil pointer and an error if there was an issue while parsing.

Verifying and Authenticating a SIWE Message

Verification and Authentication is performed via EIP-191,
using the address field of the Message as the expected signer.
This returns the Ethereum public key of the signer:

var publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey
var err error

publicKey, err = message.VerifyEIP191(signature)

The time constraints (expiry and not-before) can also be
validated, at current or particular times:

var message *siwe.Message

if message.ValidNow() {
  // ...

// equivalent to

if message.ValidAt(time.Now().UTC()) {
  // ...

Combined verification of time constraints and authentication
can be done in a single call with verify:

var publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey
var err error

// Optional nonce variable to be matched against the
// built message struct being verified
var optionalNonce *string

// Optional timestamp variable to verify at any point
// in time, by default it will use `time.Now()`
var optionalTimestamp *time.Time

publicKey, err = message.Verify(signature, optionalNonce, optionalTimestamp)

// If you won't be using nonce matching and want
// to verify the message at the current time, it's
// safe to pass `nil` in both arguments
publicKey, err = message.Verify(signature, nil, nil)

Serialization of a SIWE Message

Message instances can also be serialized as their EIP-4361 string representations via the String method:

fmt.Printf("%s", message.String())

Signing Messages from Go code

To sign messages directly from Go code, you will need to do it
like shown below to correctly follow the personal_sign format:

func signHash(data []byte) common.Hash {
	msg := fmt.Sprintf("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n%d%s", len(data), data)
	return crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte(msg))

func signMessage(message string, privateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) {
	sign := signHash([]byte(message))
	signature, err := crypto.Sign(sign.Bytes(), privateKey)

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	signature[64] += 27
	return signature, nil

If you're interested in integrating Sign-In with Ethereum into your dapp, app, or service, we are more than happy to help and provide any support we can.

As we continue our work supporting Sign-In with Ethereum, we especially welcome implementers who already have users relying on similar workflows, authors of related EIPs, and wallet vendors who would like to do more to support user-owned identities to join us.

If you are interested in being involved, please join our Discord server: