Webinar Takeaways: California’s Mobile Driver’s License Program In case you missed it, read through the highlights of last week's webinar and watch the recording.
Webinar: A Look Inside California’s Mobile Driver’s License Program Register for our upcoming webinar to learn how SpruceID helped bring the California Mobile Driver's License to life.
ISO/IEC 18013-7 Interoperability Event Results SpruceID recently hosted the first fully-remote asynchronous interoperability test event for mobile driver’s license implementations.
Announcing Encode Hackathon Bounty Winners We're excited to announce the winners of the SpruceID bounties for the 4-week online Encode Future of Blockchain University Hackathon.
SpruceID Bounties for the Encode Future of Blockchain University Hackathon We’re excited to announce SpruceID as a sponsor for Encode’s Future of Blockchain University Hackathon. Over four weeks, university students from blockchain clubs across the world will learn about decentralized identity, build projects, and compete for prizes.
Mobile Driver's License Interoperability Event SpruceID will host the first fully-remote asynchronous interoperability test event for mobile driver’s license implementations at the end of August.
Plant a Tree and Control Your Data with SSX At ETHDenver We're happy to announce that we are demoing an app called SSX Quest that shows how Sign-In with Ethereum can extend user control into interactions with user-controlled data, beyond just identity.