Introducing the Sprouts: SpruceKit Example Apps

Our team has recreated popular consumer experiences you may be familiar with to demonstrate how you can integrate the power of decentralized identity into a variety of use cases: an AI chat assistant, an app for book reviews, and a social networking app. These example apps, which we call Sprouts 🌱, are designed to spark your creativity and give you inspiration for what you, as a developer, can build using SpruceKit.

A Brief Introduction to SpruceKit

Before we explore each example, what is SpruceKit?

SpruceKit is a collection of SpruceID’s open-source libraries that provide tools for implementing decentralized identity. In other words, they enable you to give your app users greater control over their digital identity and personal data by letting them:

  • Authenticate into decentralized identity
  • Create and protect personal data vaults
  • Manage how their data are used and shared
  • Present verifiable facts about themselves

To learn more about SpruceKit and the open-source libraries it includes, read our announcement blog:

Introducing SpruceKit: The Open-Source Toolkit for Decentralized Identity
We’re happy to announce SpruceKit: a collection of libraries that power your application to accept digital credentials from users on their terms, originate trusted information for users, and interact with user data vaults.


ChatBot is an AI chat assistant that uses natural language processing to have human-like conversations, with decentralized identity built in.

We integrated SpruceKit capabilities into up-and-coming ChatBot technology to show how you can offer increased control over the way ChatBot conversations can be used, stored, and shared. With this example, app users can ask a question to generate a conversation, and soon, prove that they generated the conversation by adding their digital signature and establishing credential issuance to enhance content integrity and authenticity.

SpruceKit allows you to empower users to store their data securely outside of the ChatBot app by authenticating into decentralized identity using technologies such as Sign-In with Ethereum. Rather than an app hosting the data, it is then stored in a way that enables secure data sharing, control and ownership, and increased data privacy.

Lastly, ChatBot makes it easy to share conversations with specific individuals or across other apps that use SpruceKit open-source libraries. This interoperability facilitates collaboration and innovation that feels seamless for a user who wants to access their data across multiple apps, while also allowing them more control over who has access to data, for what purpose, and when that access is revoked.

ChatBot is open source, so you can review how we built it directly in GitHub, or through the demo video below.

ChatBot Demo Video


Joyce is a social app for finding, reviewing, and sharing books where reviews are verifiable.

Interacting with friends to share book reviews, recommendations, and more is made better when you feel a sense of increased privacy, ownership, and control over the content you generate.

SpruceKit was used to implement personal data vaults in Joyce where users can store their book ratings in their own data vault vs. in app-hosted storage, promoting a more transparent and user-centric experience around the way app data is handled.

This example also shows how you can create verification flows for users to claim ownership over book reviews that they write in order to enhance data integrity and trust.

Joyce is open source, so you can review how we built it directly in GitHub, or through the demo video below.

Joyce Demo Video


Teal is a social networking app based on managing one's own BlueSky data.

Protecting your privacy and sensitive information on social networking channels is critical in today’s age with data leaks, social engineering and individuals gaining unauthorized access. In this example, SpruceKit provides app users with the ability to store their social media posts in a data vault outside of the app.

Teal shows how app users can manage how their data is stored, and control how their data is retrieved by using sign in with Ethereum to host social media posts within their data vault. This app demonstrates how decentralizing data has the potential to open up opportunities for data-driven collaboration while protecting privacy and user consent.

Teal is open source, so you can review how we built it directly in GitHub, or through the demo video below.

Teal Demo Video

Ready to take the reins?

These examples just barely scratch the surface when it comes to the infinite possibilities of how SpruceKit libraries can be implemented. We hope you’re inspired to test out building an app with SpruceKit that helps empower individuals to gain more control, privacy, and security over their own personal data.

About SpruceID: SpruceID is building a future where users control their identity and data across all digital interactions. If you're curious about integrating SpruceID's technology into your project, come chat with us in our Discord.